Konbini (convenience store) payments are a widely used method for cash transactions in Japan, facilitating e-commerce in a culture that places high trust in cash as a secure payment option. With Konbini payments, Japanese consumers can make online purchases and settle their bills in cash at more than 50,000 convenience stores, including 7-Eleven, Lawson, FamilyMart, Ministop, and Seicomart.
Price on request

Your burning questions, answered
If you are new or looking for answers to your questions, this guide will help you learn more about our services and their features.
Are there upfront fees when connecting to Globadyme?
Globadyme does not charge upfront fees. Instead, depending on the payment methods used, we charge a flat rate, a percentage, or a combination of both per transaction.
What payment methods should I offer to maximize conversions?
The ideal payment methods depend on your target market. For example, in Europe, iDEAL, SEPA Direct Debit, and credit cards are popular. In North America, credit cards and PayPal dominate, while in Asia, Alipay and WeChat Pay are commonly used. Offering diverse, locally popular methods can significantly improve your conversion rate.
Can I accept recurring payments or subscriptions with Globadyme?
Globadyme support recurring billing and subscriptions.
Can I track settlement amounts in real time?
Yes, our platform provides real-time tracking and detailed reporting for all settlement transactions, including gross and net payouts.
How does Globadyme ensure secure and compliant settlement processes?
All settlements are processed through PCI DSS-compliant infrastructure with advanced encryption and fraud prevention measures. We also adhere to global financial regulations to ensure compliance.
Are payouts fast and secure with Globadyme?
Yes, we provide fast and reliable payouts, ensuring you receive your funds quickly and securely.
Can Globadyme handle multi-currency payments worldwide?
Absolutely. We support transactions in over 150 currencies, ensuring a localized experience.
How does Globadyme assist in managing dynamic pricing models?
Our platform integrates with your pricing system, allowing you to charge customers based on usage metrics like time, energy, or distance.

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